Teaching Children about our Culture & Heritage is Necessary

Cultural heritage is an expression of the varied ways of living developed within a community and passed down from generations to generations. It covers the widest gamut of our existence as the imprints of it are found in every aspect of our artistic expressions, practices, customs, values, and more. Right from the melodies of the classical music that strike a chord in our soul to the ancient wisdom contained in the poses of yoga, our cultural heritage has an expansive range, and it would not be an exaggeration to claim that it forms the very fiber of our being.
At Yuvashakti Model School, regarded as the Best School in North West Delhi, we consider it to be of utmost importance to instill the values of our rich cultural heritage in the children from an early age. After all, our children are the nation builders of tomorrow, and they are the ones entrusted with taking our legacy forward. This is the prime reason why we stress on delivering ‘Shiksha aur Sanskriti’ to our young fledglings. On that note, let’s take a look today at why we, at YMS, believe that it is indeed essential to teach children about our culture and heritage, and how we implement it in our institution.

Understanding is the first step of appreciating

At Yuvashakti, we believe that it is necessary to understand the inherent values of something in order to be appreciative towards it. As Indians, we are proud to have a diverse culture that is thousands of years old and has its imprints in every aspect of our lives. We want our children to feel the same pride in embracing the varied elements of their heritage and applying it to their own lives. And this can only be made possible by developing their knowledge towards it.

Getting our children connected to their roots

Different aspects of our cultural heritage are also a part of our coursework at YMS. For instance, when we are teaching our kids about the temples of Mahabaleshwar or Brihadeeswara, what we are basically doing is assimilating them to their roots. Being emotionally connected to the facts they learn helps them in feeling more inspired towards putting in the much-needed efforts towards knowing and researching more. Besides, it binds them all into a common heritage that we share as a nation.


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