Regular Indulgence in Physical Exercise Can Help Boost Your Mental Health

You must have heard the popular phrase, “a healthy mind only resides in a healthy body” quite a few times, both from your parents and your teachers. We are also sure that you have paid heed to their advice, and have chosen some form of physical exercise to keep yourself healthy and fit. And, of course, you have noticed that you feel good after a round of football or some laps at the pool. However, you might not have connected that feeling to your efforts at exercising.

So, have you ever wondered if there is any truth to that rather common phrase we just mentioned? Does keeping your body healthy has anything to do with your mind?

Let’s find the answers to these questions today, and outline the connection between regular physical exercise and your mental health.

Exercising keeps depression and stress at bay

At Yuvashakti Model School, we understand that there are enough worries burdening that young mind of yours. But, we can also assure you that regular exercising can help in keeping the stress and anxiety at bay.

Physical exercise of any form helps in increasing the endorphins levels in the body. Think of endorphins as a kind of feel-good chemical released by the body to uplift the mood and keep the blues away. Even moderate levels of exercise all week can be helpful in making you feel relaxed and stress-free.

Helps in building self-esteem and self-confidence

Regular exercising makes you feel good about yourself. Along with keeping away the feelings of stress and anxiety, it also helps you stay away from the thoughts of low self-confidence and self-esteem.

So, we would advise you to pick any sport or type of exercise that you like and keep at it. You will assuredly notice an improvement in your confidence levels. When you start feeling great about yourself, you will notice that your ability to give your best at everything has also improved.

Exercising as a way to boost your brainpower

Our brain is a complex organ, and its capabilities are endless. Believe it or not, one of the surest ways to boost your brainpower is through exercise. Studies have shown that cardiovascular exercises help in creating newer brain cells through a procedure called neurogenesis, which improves your brain’s overall performance.



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