How to Make the Kids Understand That All Emotions are ‘Normal’

 “Hey, common! Boys don’t cry!” “Be a man. Stop behaving like a girl.” “Don’t you know girls don’t play football?” “Could you please dress up like a girl?” We are pretty sure all of you must have come across such statements. After all, they are so common! There are some prejudiced standard rules that girls and boys are expected to follow, be it in their actions or their feelings. But is it really okay to divide and label the feelings as those for boys and girls? No, strictly no!

At Yuvashakti Model School, one among the leading schools in Rohini, Sector 3, we believe that feelings and emotions are like the essence of life. And as such, there are no right or wrong and appropriate or inappropriate feelings. In fact, feelings and emotions are beyond the boundaries of age or gender. Therefore telling young boys not to cry like girls or asking young girls not to behave like boys is completely wrong according to us. Instead, children should be made to believe that all feelings are normal and acceptable and that the way they feel neither makes them any different from others nor weak in any sense.

Why is there a need to normalize the emotions?

When kids are repeatedly asked to hold back and suppress their emotions, they grow up thinking that a certain set of emotions isn’t meant for them. This thinking hinders their emotional and psychological growth as well. These children shut their individual selves within and start associating emotions like sadness and fear with something that’s associated with shame and guilt. Such kids grow up with lots of anger and aggression issues and often fell victim to even more severe health problems like depression and anxiety.

Read More :

New Article : What NOT TO DO When Your Kids Are Throwing Tantrums


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